How to make an iron door in minecraft

    iron door minecraft redstone
    minecraft iron door redstone circuit
    minecraft open iron door with redstone
    can you open an iron door in minecraft
  • Iron door minecraft redstone
  • How to make a iron door open with redstone in minecraft

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    Redstone Devices

    These are objects that do something when they receive a redstone signal.

    Doors and Gates

    All doors and gates can be opened and closed using redstone.

    Iron doors can only be opened with redstone; wooden doors, fence gates and trapdoors can all be opened either by hand or with redstone.

    Why would you use an iron door? Wooden doors can be broken down by zombies if the game difficulty is set to hard, and villagers can open and close doors.

    Redstone Lamps


    Redstone lamps are made from redstone and glowstone, so you'll have to brave the Nether before you can make them.

    They light up when switched on by redstonepower.



    Pistons are blocks that extend when activated by redstone power, giving the block next to them a push.

    Normal piston.

    Normal pistons push a block, which then stays in its new position when the piston retracts.

    Addition of a slime ball creates a sticky piston, which pulls the block back when the piston retracts.

    Sticky Piston.


    TNT is made from sand and gunpowder: it goes BANG when activated by redstone power.

      how to use the iron door in minecraft