Simple japanese house

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    How to Build a Japanese House in Minecraft

    Japanese style architecture is something to behold. Many Minecraft players enjoy recreating certain designs and styles from real life or fiction, like modern megastructures, futuristic builds or medieval castles.

    If you’re a fan of Oriental or Japanese style houses you can build your very own in your Minecraft world.

    There are many articles and blueprints online for you to chose from, but we will show you the basics you need to know so you can make your very own designs.

    Building the Floorplan

    If you are building a small or large house, it is always good to have a floorplan to help guide you as you build.

    When you start off with the construction of your Japanese house, the best thing to do would be to build a platform using Slabs.

    Many traditional Japanese houses are seen raised above the ground, with stairs in place so you may climb down into the garden.

    For this Japanese house I will be building a total of 3 rooms in an L shape. I use Dark Oak Slabs to first decide the overall space my house will take up.

    Then on top of the pl

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