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    how to make a parkour in minecraft
    how to make a parkour map in minecraft
    how to make a parkour map in minecraft with command blocks
    how to make a parkour world in minecraft
  • How to make a parkour in minecraft
  • How to make parkour civilization in minecraft...

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  • Minecraft parkour servers
  • How to make parkour civilization in minecraft
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  • How to make a texture pack for minecraft pe
  • Parkour Map Walkthrough

    Our team made a map that shows off cool parkour mechanics you can use to challenge players and create a fun gameplay loop. We'll walk through the parkour mechanics that go into this sample parkour map.

    • What is an objective that can drive player engagement.
    • How challenges can add "re-play-ability" to a world.
    • Examples of some (but not all!) parkour mechanics available to you in Minecraft.


    Establishing the overall map objective early on allows you to work your way to an end goal for the player to reach.

    Let's take a look at two popular gameplay loops: Survival and Parkour.

    Survivor Map

    In a Vanilla Minecraft Survivor map, you can say that reaching The End and slaying the Ender Dragon is the main objective that each player must complete in order to 'win' the game.

    In this example, we can begin to break down some of the requirements and start asking game design questions for how a player can complete their objective.

    • How does the player reach The End?
    • What challenges will the player face on their journey to reach the End?
    • What is the r

        how to make a hard parkour in minecraft
        how to make a parkour civilization in minecraft