What level to find coal in minecraft

    minecraft how to find charcoal
    minecraft how to find coal
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  • What is the best y level to find coal in minecraft.


    Charcoal is an item obtained by smelting logs or wood. It is used as fuel, or for crafting torches and campfires. Unlike coal, charcoal cannot be traded with villagers, nor can it be crafted into a block of coal.

    Can you make torches with charcoal minecraft

    Coal and charcoal cannot stack together either. It can be used as a substitute for coal, as both charcoal and coal have an equivalent duration when smelted.



    A campfire broken without the Silk Touch enchantment drops 2 charcoal.


    Compound creation[]

    Charcoal can be created from its base elements, using the compound creator.‌[Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education only]

    Name Elements Example recipe
    Charcoal 7 Carbon
    4 Hydrogen
    1 Oxygen



    Crafting ingredient[]

    Lab table ingredient[]

    Charcoal is one of the lab table ingredients needed to produce the heat block.‌[Minecraft Education only]


    When used in a furnace as a fuel, a piece of charcoal lasts 80 seconds (smelting up to 8 items), the same as coal.

    Charcoal used as fuel lasts more than 5 t

      minecraft how to find deepslate coal
      minecraft bedrock how to find coal