How to create a kit in minecraft

    how to create a kit in minecraft
    how to make a kit in minecraft bedrock
    how to make a starter kit in minecraft
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  • How to create a kit in minecraft
  • How to make kits in minecraft bedrock.

    Start making your own kit.

    Command Reference/Kits

    Essentials supports a wide range of kit functionality. Kits can contain anything from stacks of simple items, to complicated 'unique' items, utilising advanced item meta, enchantments and item lore.

    Essentials also supports permission based kits, kit signs, new player kits, and kit cooldowns to prevent abuse.


    Config Settings

    Essentials allows for spawning 'unsafe' enchantments in kits, but only if you edit the config.yml To allow 'unsafe' enchantments in kits and item spawning you will need to change the following setting:

    unsafe-enchantments: true

    Warning: Mixing and overleveling some enchantments can cause issues with clients, servers and plugins.

    Essentials kit plugin

  • Essentialsx kits
  • How to make kits in minecraft bedrock
  • Essentials kit commands
  • You can then access the kit in-game with the /kit command formatted like /kit KITNAME.
  • Delay

    You can set a delay or cooldown (in seconds) on kits to prevent abuse. A cooldown of '3600' would prevent the kit being used more than once an hour. If you want a 'One use kit' set the delay to -1.

    Kit costs

    In the command costs section of the config.yml you can define costs for each kit, for example:

    kit-tools: 100

    Would make it so /kit tools charges the player $100


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      how to make a starter kit in minecraft java